Sunday 10 February 2013

Weekend Getaway...Orchha...

Orchha is small hidden gem in MP, which in all probability you would not have heard of.It is the second capital city of Bundelas and had flourished in early 17th century. Like most kingdoms, Orchha is the cornerstone of legacy left by the Bundela dynasty.It is small town that you can cover mostly on foot, but what is amazing is the fact that the town exists among the palaces and temples. So from wherever you are, you get to see the beautiful chataris, which are typical of the local architecture, creating a beautiful skyline, making it picture perfect. Orchha has palaces, fort, temples, samadhis in form of chhataris, beautiful Betwa River, a nature reserve and interesting stories. All the buildings give a kind of burnt look, as if the heat of central plains of India has left its marks on the buildings.
The most visited places in Orchha are Raja Mahal and Jehangir Mahal. Raja Mahal built by the Bundela king Madhukar Shah, is relatively simple externally, but has some exquisite paintings in the bedrooms of King and the main queen Kunwar Ganeshi. The legend has that the King was the worshipper of Lord Krishna while the queen was a devotee of Lord Rama. She dreamt of making a temple of Rama in Orchha and she went all the way to Ayodhya to get Lord Rama. She sat on the banks of river Saryu in Ayondhya and finally lord Ram came to her in the form of a small kid. As she tried to get him to Orchha, Rama had few conditions like she will have to take him to Orchha on foot, and wherever she keeps him in Orchha first he will stay there and not move from there. It took the queen some 12 years to get the idol from Ayodhaya to Orchha, while the king engaged in building a huge temple that would be visible from the queen’s bedroom. When the queen reached Orchha, the temple was still not complete, so she kept the idol in the palace kitchen and thought she would shift it to the new temple when it is completed. But she forgot the condition that Rama had put, and when the temple was complete and the queen tried to shift the idol, the idol refused to move. So the kitchen was converted into the temple and the new temple was dedicated to Lord Vishnu, and is now known as Chaturbhuj temple. Looks like in all eras it was the lady of the house who decided the faith to follow. People in Orchha worship Ram in form of king and believe him to be the King of Orchha. They believe that Ram comes to Orchha every morning and goes back to Ayodhya every evening. Both the temple and the Raja Mahal are preserved as they are not very old, but they could definitely be far cleaner than they are.
A new museum, Saaket, showcasing the different forms of paintings from across India is being built by Adiwasi Lok kala academy. This is located in what was once the Baarood Khana of the fort. As of now it has Madhubani of Bihar, Chitrakathi of Maharashtra, Kalamkari and Cheriyal Pattam of Andhra, Patua of West Bengal and Patta of Orrissa. All of these depict the scenes from Ramayan, glorifying the reigning deity of the town, Lord Rama.
Jehangir Mahal is a palace that was built for mughal king Jehangir, who visited Orchha for a day and stayed in this 236 roomed palace along with his troops. It took 22 years to build this place where the guests stayed only for a day. There was a sheesh mahal also that was a part of this palace, which has been converted into a hotel now. Jehangir mahal has been built in a fusion mode and depicts motifs that can be attributed to Hinduism as well as Islam. Walls have been painted using blue and green color representing the two religions and depicting the co-existence of these faiths in the times of Bundelas. The carvings on the sandstone doors and around the structure are all a mix of two types of architecture. While the domes are round in shape like Islamic buildings, but on top of that you would find lotus and peacocks representing Hinduism. The co-existence of both signs can be seen all around the structure. From the top floor of this 3 storied building you can get a view of the town of Orchha and also see the extent of the fort all around, along with some ruined buildings and Rai Praveen Mahal, which was a palace dedicated to the legendary dancer of the kingdom. From the top you can see the dancing platform where she used to regularly perform.
There is Lakshami temple, which is built very interestingly in the shape of an Owl, a rectangular temple which looks triangular from most angles as the main entrance is placed on one of the corners of the rectangle. There are some of the most amazing paintings of Orchha that are painted on the walls and roofs of the galleries of this temple. There are paintings made with vegetable colors and there are scratch paintings, which are made by scratching a pre-painted wall, usually done in red and white color. The paintings depict scenes from Ramayana, Mahabharata, lives of local kings and scenes from India’s first freedom struggle in 1857, indicating that the temple paintings were updated regularly by the local kings. Climb on top of this temple and you would get the view of Orchha through its delicate arches, again making it a picture perfect view. Do not miss the beak of owl on top of the entrance gate, built to make temple look like an owl, a vehicle of Goddess Lakshami.
The chhataris on the banks of River Betwa are the samadhis of Bundela kings and their families. This is the only place where I have seen samadhis of Hindu kings, and typically built in a variation of tombs. Most of the chhatris are 3 storied and built in Panchayatan style with peaks built in Nagar style of temple architecture. There are palaces, temples and baithaks dedicated to the Bundela kinsman Hardaul, who committed suicide to prove his innocence in an alleged affair with his elder brother’s wife. I met a woman who comes there and worships outside his temple everyday from morning to evening and believes that anyone who prays to Hardaul, gets anything that he or she wishes for.
Something that guide books never mention about Orchha is the nature trails that exist on the other side of Betwa. You can cross Betwa through a low bridge built on it, which you can walk on almost as you walk out of the town. There are various small trails that you can take and walk across the jungle, through Orchha nature reserve. There is river rafting also conducted by the MP tourism on Betwa, though I could not see much white water around the town, but probably they take you somewhere where there is some.
If you like history, picturesque locations, riverside and a bit of nature and hospitality, you must visit Orchha...

Friday 8 February 2013

Lodi Garden...

Lodi gardens, spread over 90 acres, is a hot spot for morning walkers. This pristine patch of green is dotted with architectural delights from the 15th and 16th century and on Sunday mornings it becomes the best place for picnickers! The city’s picnickers come out in full force to enjoy some winter sun and the ruins come alive with people having a great time. Just watching people is enough to keep me interested for hours, but there are lots of things to do besides as well!

Chilly winter mornings are the best time to visit the garden. All you need is a rug, a flask of hot coffee/tea, a picnic basket, a book- if you want to relax and jumping around and rolling in the grass is not your idea of fun. Carrying games is a great idea too, especially if you are planning to go with kids. We had a ball of a time running after a Frisbee, but that’s when I realized how bad my hand-eye coordination really was! But the kiddies had more options than me. One bunch of kids actually set up a mini game of croquet! Sheesh, whatever happened to good ‘ol Frisbees and hula hoops!

Apart from the fun and games, it’s a lovely setting with birds, squirrels and dappled sunlight! And if you get tired of lolling around, you can always explore the myriad tombs and climb up the walls of the ruins to get a view of your surroundings!

So what are you waiting for!? Visit it this weekend and share your pics with us. We’d love that!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Jalebiwala...Chandni Chowk...

I love Jalebis, many people have confessed cheating their daily diet routine sometimes. They may not be high on the health food list, but who can resist a hot fresh jalebi? Not me, especially on a cold February morning. But I'll confess this to you: I love jalebi so much, I'll eat them even in July. You must have eaten Jalebis many a times at different place and would have loved the taste also. However, all things being equal, the best Jalebis  in Delhi may well be at Jalebi Wala in Chandni Chowk only.

Jalebi Wala has had a facelift in the last couple of years--new sign, etc. I liked it better before. But it's still well worth checking out, because the jalebis there are outstanding.  Old Delhi jalebis are different in subtle ways from what you find elsewhere in Delhi. You can find Jalebi Wala on Chandni Chowk, between the Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib and Red Fort, it's on the right if you are walking toward Red Fort.
Jalebi Wala is fairly a simple places. No AC, no need for plastic forks or spoons--fingers are sufficient. And if you look at it, Old Delhi is a pretty green place. High population density in cities means more room in the countryside for farms and forests. Also, Old Delhi is full of non-motorized transportation.  But there's a larger point I want to make. Sure, jalebis are unnecessary. They are a luxury. But a little luxury is good for us. It's the five star hotels and airlines that will ruin the world in the long run. Jalebis? We can live with them forever!!!

Friday 1 February 2013

Coronation Park, Delhi...

On 12 December 1911 , two important declarations were made by King George V and his wife Mary here in the Coronation Park, Delhi. First,  that the Capital of British India would be shifted from Calcutta to Delhi, and the second was about  annulment of the Partition of Bengal. They also declared that India would now be ruled directly by the King and Queen of England, thereby ending the rule of the East India Company.

Here is the date with history :

1877: Coronation Park becomes venue of Delhi Durbar, when Queen Victoria was proclaimed the Empress of India.

1903: Celebrates the accession of Edward VII.

December 11, 1911: Hosts Delhi Durbar, commemorating the coronation of King George V as Emperor of India. Representatives of all the princely states attended the function.

After 100 years the park is a “graveyard of statues” as conservationist A.G. Krishna Menon describes the site of Dilli Darbar. Neglected, forsaken and in dirt Coronation park is a nightmare to get to. Sixty feet tall figure of King George and all others lies in 57 acre ground around him. Local people play cricket there and the ground is full of camel thorn shrubs, plants growing on the plinths of statues, rubbish heaps and construction work by Archaeological Survey of India to restore the glory. No one wants to reawaken the unpleasant memories of more than two centuries of British colonial rule and we find it foolish to celebrate the 100 years of Delhi when it was finalized only in 1927 and inaugurated in 1931.