Friday 1 February 2013

Coronation Park, Delhi...

On 12 December 1911 , two important declarations were made by King George V and his wife Mary here in the Coronation Park, Delhi. First,  that the Capital of British India would be shifted from Calcutta to Delhi, and the second was about  annulment of the Partition of Bengal. They also declared that India would now be ruled directly by the King and Queen of England, thereby ending the rule of the East India Company.

Here is the date with history :

1877: Coronation Park becomes venue of Delhi Durbar, when Queen Victoria was proclaimed the Empress of India.

1903: Celebrates the accession of Edward VII.

December 11, 1911: Hosts Delhi Durbar, commemorating the coronation of King George V as Emperor of India. Representatives of all the princely states attended the function.

After 100 years the park is a “graveyard of statues” as conservationist A.G. Krishna Menon describes the site of Dilli Darbar. Neglected, forsaken and in dirt Coronation park is a nightmare to get to. Sixty feet tall figure of King George and all others lies in 57 acre ground around him. Local people play cricket there and the ground is full of camel thorn shrubs, plants growing on the plinths of statues, rubbish heaps and construction work by Archaeological Survey of India to restore the glory. No one wants to reawaken the unpleasant memories of more than two centuries of British colonial rule and we find it foolish to celebrate the 100 years of Delhi when it was finalized only in 1927 and inaugurated in 1931.

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